My latest cushion collection launched at the beginning of September, and most of the cushions in this collection were statement pieces. Ranging from deep navy paired with fluffy recycled white fox fur, to oat coloured vintage mink fur paired with a textured cotton blend, to mossy green velvet with vintage speckled fox fur, each cushion was totally unique. After my first cushion collection, I had quite a few requests for cushion pairs, so I worked really hard on this collection to provide more cushion doubles as well as one off statement pillows.

I find working with remnant materials extremely rewarding, I love turning someone else’s “trash” into my treasure. But most of all from an environmental point of view it brings me great satisfaction knowing I have created something with much less environmental damage than a cushion you’d buy over in somewhere like H&M Home. Personally, I really don’t like having things that everyone else has, it’s the biggest fashion turn off for me – I love having unique pieces in my home and in my wardrobe that no one else will have.

For this collection I did a styled photoshoot in my home on my new but old bed which I have been re upholstering and stripping. The bed actually isn’t completely finished yet but I think I get away with it for this shoot! Most of the furniture in my house is second hand, it’s much more budget friendly buying second hand furniture, it’s better for the environment and you are guaranteed to get quirkier pieces that no one else will have.

If you are familiar with my work you’ll know that I am really passionate about re using pre-existing materials to create my products. I work with high quality pre-loved real fur and combine it with fabric remnants to create luxurious cushions and accessories. I source most of my remnants locally in East Lothian, I like to keep my fabric miles low and use the resources around me. I’m delighted to say I have almost sold out of my latest sustainable cushion collection but don’t worry if you missed out, I will be doing a huge shop update on the 2nd of November with new cushions, new bags and a couple fur throws too.
I think the key to styling your statement cushions on your bed is to have ascending cushion heights as you layer the pillows. Having two of the same cushions at the back provides a good even base to then build upon, you can then add another pair of cushions or add some one off statement cushions to have a more random effect. It also helps if you have a super cute pooch! Here’s how I styled my fur and velvet pillows in my bedroom and in my living room – let me know what you think!